

Easton Fothergill: Overcoming Obstacles and Reeling in Victories

Fishing has been a part of Easton Fothergill’s life for as long as he can remember. 澳门大学冠军钓鱼队成员, 这位老人喜欢在户外度过时光, breathing in fresh air and seeing sunrises and sunsets as he competes in the sport he’s always been so passionate about. “我生来就是这样的,”[…]


GREAT MINDS: Richardson Talks Psych, Pain and Passing the Torch

It’s true that one college class can shape your entire future — in Dr. Elizabeth “Betsy” Richardson’s case, it was an introduction to psychology course. While the Florence native didn’t start out as a psychology major, her interest sparked when learning about the physical side of the subject. “有一章我们讨论过……”



你的家乡:华盛顿特区.C. 跟我们说说你的家庭吧. 我丈夫理查德在华盛顿工作. 他是一家智库的研究员. 我有两个姐姐都在蒙特瓦洛上学. 我父母仍然住在马里恩. 你的职业是什么?? 我是国务院外交事务官员. […]



等到博士. Kittilax “Apple” Kridakorn ’70 started at Montevallo (then Alabama College), people thought she’d already been a student beforehand because of how much time she spent on the bricks. “我哥哥在我之前上过蒙特瓦洛。”克里达孔说. “我在那里度过了很多个周末. 蒙特瓦洛一直是我的[…]



The UM National 校友 Association celebrated the recipients of its 2024 Homecoming awards on Feb. 16 at its Homecoming awards dinner and annual business meeting in Anna Irvin Dining Hall. Jim Vann ’76 received the Distinguished 校友 Award, which is the UMNAA’s highest annual honor. Dr. Elizabeth Gassel Perkins ’04 received the Nathalie Molton Gibbons […]


Celebrating the Impact of Scholarships at Annual Appreciation Luncheon

Members of the University community gathered in Anna Irvin Dining Hall for the annual Scholarship Appreciation Luncheon on March 11. 这个事件, 由澳大大学发展办公室主办, allows donors who have funded scholarships to meet the students who have benefited from their generosity, and gives those students an opportunity to express their gratitude. […]


Gold Side Takes the Win in 2024 College Night and Homecoming Weekend

“在这所学校, 我们像金子一样纯洁,” proclaimed Student Government Association President Colton Rodano as Gold Side students, 校友, 2月11日,帕尔默礼堂挤满了朋友和家人. 突然爆发出尖叫声,欢呼声,甚至眼泪. This winning catchphrase revealed that the 2024 College Night and Homecoming weekend had ended in a Gold Victory. […]



For University of Montevallo students taking the National Parks and Public Lands class this year, spring break brought the opportunity to get outside the classroom and experience the wonder of national parks in person. Dr. 斯科特•特纳, 政治学教授, took the class to the Great Smoky Mountains National Park in Tennessee, 他们在哪里度过…



Zach Banks knew he belonged at the University of Montevallo from his first full day on campus as a freshman. He and his father showed up early on Move-In Day prepared for the long haul of carrying his things all the way up to his room on the third floor of Fuller Hall. 致他们的[…]


特色猎鹰:凯里·希瑟利和博士. 克拉克Hultquist

Watching the landscape of a college town shift over time is truly fascinating, from major changes like stately new buildings to something as small as a new tree. 虽然有些事情是不同的, those familiar with the University of Montevallo will still feel at home on the iconic campus and in its surrounding community, 甚至[…]


University of Montevallo to Launch Nursing Program in Fall 2024

The University of Montevallo is set to start its new Nursing Program in the newly established College of Health Professions in August. 这个项目, which will offer a pre-licensure BSN track and an RN to BSN track, was approved by the Alabama Board of Nursing at their meeting on May 17. “我们很高兴[…]



What is your name and current title with the University of Montevallo? 奥黛丽·克劳福德,招生执行主任. 你来自哪里,目前居住在哪个城市? I’m from Greensboro, Alabama, and currently live here in Montevallo. If you hold any degrees, what are they in and from what schools? 单身汉[…]


UM Honors 480 学生 on 2024 Spring Semester President's List

The University of Montevallo is proud to honor 480 students named to the President’s List for the 2024 spring semester. 要进入校长名单,学生必须至少获得3分.平均成绩8分,成绩4分.0级,是大学的全日制学生. 以下学生被提名为[…]


UM Recognizes 352 学生 on 2024 Spring Semester Dean's List

The University of Montevallo is proud to recognize 352 students named to the Dean’s List for the 2024 spring semester. 要进入院长名单,学生必须至少获得3分.平均成绩5分,成绩4分.0级,是大学的全日制学生. 以下是澳大各学院的学生[…]



Though Anna Katherine Eastman originally planned to study biology, an interest in math and medicine drew her to the path of chemistry at the University of Montevallo. 这位刚从密歇根大学毕业的学生今年夏天要去波士顿, as she has been selected for an internship at Harvard Medical School working alongside one of UM’s distinguished 校友, Dr. […]



The University of Montevallo’s Mass Communication Program was included in the Broadcast Education Association’s 2024 Recognition of Institutional Excellence in Media rankings for the first time. UM was featured among the top 100 programs in the nation and was second in the state of Alabama. The rankings are based solely on the creative achievements of […]


University of Montevallo Celebrates Class of 2024 at Spring Commencement

      查看完整的春季毕业典礼图片库. The University of Montevallo honored 297 candidates for bachelor’s degrees and 99 candidates for graduate degrees during the Spring Commencement ceremony May 4, 在花山草坪上. 学生, 教师, 工作人员, 家庭, friends and members of the UM community gathered on the sunny Saturday morning to celebrate […]



What is your name and current title with the University of Montevallo? 珍妮·贝尔,学生生活主管. 你来自哪里,目前居住在哪个城市? 我来自路易斯安那州的拉斯顿,现在住在阿拉巴马州的胡佛. If you hold any degrees, what are they in and from what schools? A B.A. […]